Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Making the Grade

The January 2010 edition of Healthcare Purchasing News asked experts to evaluate the industry's and government's overall performance in 12 areas as they responded to the H1N1 pandemic. HPN's aim was to use the H1N1 response as a likely forecast of how both might respond to an even more serious and lethal pandemic. How would you grade the industry's and/or government's performance in any or all of the areas featured?

1 comment:

  1. The case for the government stock pile of masks etc was made, however the difficulty in using stock piled items was not addressed. Our facility did get Tamiflu but did not use it for the longest time as directives for use were not clear or forthcoming. Then we heard the FBI was investigating use (misuse). Keeping track of every mask that comes into the facility is rediculous. So an N95 mask gets used for a TB patient. The one that would have been used on the TB patient goes to a flu patient. How are we supposed to tell which is which? We had no idea if the N95 masks would even be usable becuase we did not know if our staff had been fitted to them.
